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董绍俊 女 汉族 博导 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 电子邮件:dongsj@ciac.jl.cn 联系电话:0431-85262101 通信地址:长春市人民大街5625号 邮政编码:130022 1952年于北京辅仁大学化学系学刁1952年大学毕业后一直在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所工作至今。1986-1998年任中国科学院电分析化学开放实验室主任。1999年当选为第三世界科学院(TWAS)院士。获国家自然科学奖3项和省部级奖11项,国际奖1项。出版专著、专论16部/册,获授权发明专利60多项。发表(SCI收录)论文900多篇,论文被他引35,000多次, H-指数90。涉及分析化学,电化学与电分析化学,环境与生命科学分析。被聘为 美、法、日三所大学的客座教授, 为6种国际学术刊物(Chem.Commun., Electrochem. Commun., Biosens & Bioelectron,Bioelectrochemistry,Talanta.等)的编委和顾问编委。在国际学术会议上做大会、专题和邀请报告100多次,在25个国家及香港和台湾地区讲学,报告100多次。培养100多名研究生中获博士学位的70多人,其中, 获全国百篇优秀博士论文的3人, 获中科院院长特别奖的4人, 获中科院优秀奖的10人,以及获全国优秀博士后奖1人。 巳有8人获国外引进%%%%创新人才被评为“全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师”,“中科院优秀研究生导师”(共7届),以及 研究生院建院30周年“杰出贡献指导教师。2015年(2003-2013)和2014年(2002-2012)均被ISI Web of Science(SCI)选为全球高引用研究学者。
北京辅仁大学 19490901--19520901 大学毕业
北京辅仁大学 19490901--19520901
日本东北大学 访问学者(1981年10月-11月)
美国俄亥俄州立大学 访问学者(1982年1月-1983年12月)
美国堪萨斯大学 访问学者(1986年9月-12月)
美国堪萨斯大学 客座教授 (1989年11月-1990年2月)
法国第戎大学 客座教授 (1991年4-5月,1993年8-9月,1994年9月-10月)
日本山梨大学 客座教授 (2001年11月)
1952年—1959年 中科院长春应用化学研究所研究实习员
1960年—1977年 中科院长春应用化学研究所助理研究员
1978年—1985年 中科院长春应用化学研究所副研究员
1984年—1991年 中科院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学研究室主任
1986年—至今 中科院长春应用化学研究所研究员,博士生导师
1988年—1998年 中科院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学开放室主任,1999年后任学术委员会副主任
1999年—至今 第三世界科学院院士
2002年—2004年 中科院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室学术委员会副主任
2005年—至今 中科院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室学术委员会顾问
1. 中国仪器仪表学会分析仪器学会第三届理事会,理事,1988-1992年;
2. 中国化学会,理事 ,1994-2003年;
3. 中国化学会,常务理事,1998-2003年;
4. 分析化学委员会, 常务副主任,1998-2003年;
5. 南京大学,兼职教授,1994-2001年;
6. 河南大学,兼职教授,1996-至今;
7. 青岛化工大学,兼职教授,1997-2001年;
8. 武汉大学,兼职教授,2000-2004年;
9. 华东理工大学,兼职教授,2001-至今;
18.《Biosensors ﹠Bioelectronics》 ,编委,1995-2007年;
19. 《Biosensors ﹠Bioelectronics》 ,编委,2009-至今;
20. 《Bioelectrochemistry﹠Bioenergetics》,编委,1997-2003年;
21. 《Electrochemistry Communications》,编委,1998-2007年;
22. 《Talanta》,编委,2001-2003年;
23. 《Sensors》,编委,2001-至今;
24. 《Chemical Communications》,编委, 2005-至今;
25. 美国堪萨斯大学,客座教授,1989.11-1990.02;
26. 法国第戎大学,客座教授,1991.04-1991.05;1993.08-1993.09;1994.09-1994.10;
27. 日本山梨大学,客座教授,2001.08。
2015年(2003-2013)和2014年(2002-2012)均被ISI Web of Science(SCI)选为全球高引用研究学者。
1. 国家自然科学奖二等奖一项(2007年,排名第一)
2. 国家自然科学奖三等奖一项(1988年,排名第一)
3. 中科院自然科学奖五项(1987,1995,1993年二等奖,排名第一;1997年三等奖,排名第一;1989年一等奖,排名第二)
4. 吉林省科技进步奖一等奖五项(2003年,排名第四;2004年,排名第一;2005年,排名第二;2006年,排名第三;2007年,排名第一)
5. 第16届伊朗霍拉子米国际奖一等奖(伊朗总统哈塔米授奖,2003年)
6. 中科院杰出贡献指导教师(2008年)
7. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文指导教师(2006年)
8. 中科院优秀研究生导师(连续六届,1993-2004年)
9. 中科院长春应化所最高荣誉奖—吴学周奖(2002年)
10. 全国先进女职工(1999年)
11. 吉林省首批省管优秀专家(1998年)
12. 长春市蒋筑英杯十佳个人获得者(1996年)
13. 吉林英才奖(1993年)
14. 有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才(1990年)
15. 振兴吉林二等功(1988年)
16. 吉林省三八红旗手(1986年)
17. 先进室主任(多次)
1. 有机水凝胶固定酶制备有机相生物传感器,郭奕柱,董绍俊,ZL95119390.2。
2. 聚乙烯醇接枝4-乙烯基吡啶的制备方法,李彬,寇文明,董绍俊,ZL96123527.6。
3. 凝胶包埋酶制备生物传感器的方法,董绍俊,程广金,李彬,寇文朋,张敬忠,ZL96123528.4。
4. 金属离子传感器的制备,李景虹,董绍俊,ZL96114793.8。
5. 涂抹-冷冻法制备生物传感器,董绍俊,李景虹,丁林,汪尔康,ZL96114794.6。
6. 溶胶-凝胶包埋酶制备生物传感器的方法,董绍俊,李彬,王炳全,ZL97117266.8。
7. 多金属氧酸盐的单层和多层分子组装体系,程龙,董绍俊,牛利,ZL98118150.3。
8. 金电极表面积和表面覆盖度的测量方法,赵建伟,牛利,董绍俊,ZL99101112.0。
9. 水溶液中发光碳糊电极的制备,董绍俊,徐国宝,ZL00101472.2。
10. 在碳基底上制备有机单分子自组膜的电化学方法,刘绍琴,唐智勇,王海燕,董绍俊,ZL00104583.0。
11. 氨阳离子自由基修饰碳电极单层膜的制备方法,刘建允,程龙,董绍俊,刘柏峰,ZL00121846.8。
12. 金电极的制作方法,徐国宝,董绍俊,ZL00118931.X。
13. 流动注射分析中的无泡进样阀,徐国宝,董绍俊,ZL00126122.3。
14. 表面等离子体共振响应基片的湿化学制备方法,金永东,董绍俊,ZL00133099.3。
15. 电化学发光传感器的制备方法,王海燕,徐国宝,董绍俊,ZL01120534.2。
16. 氧化钛溶胶-凝胶复合膜包埋酶制备生物传感器的方法,陈旭,董绍俊,ZL01128285.1。
17. 银-金-壳纳米粒子二准介观分形聚集体的制备方法,金永东,董绍俊,ZL01140157.5。
18. 金单晶纳米岛阵列薄膜电极的制备方法,金永东,董绍俊,ZL01140468.X。
19. 高效催化氧还原卟啉/杂多酸多层膜碳电极的制备方法,董绍俊,申燕,刘建允,刘柏峰,ZL02116452.5。
20. 多晶金膜的电化学表面纳米处理方法,董绍俊,金永东,ZL02118756.8。
21. 一种贵金属钯纳米粒子膜在金电极的制备方法,董绍俊,申燕,刘柏峰,ZL02123907.X。
22. 制备高稳定催化氧还原电极的热修饰法,董绍俊,姜荣中,ZL95104915.1。
23. 低温水凝固定酶制备有机相生物传感器,董绍俊,郭奕柱,ZL94108666.6。
24. 用于生物化学需氧量生物传感器的微生物有机-无机杂化材料膜,董绍俊,郏建波,王炳全,齐力,唐明宇,CN1372137。
25. 固态纳米金溶胶-凝胶电化学检测器及制备方法,曹卫东,齐力,郏建波,董绍俊,杨秀荣,汪尔康,CN1379239。
26. 一种固体盘电极的制备方法,董绍俊,刘柏峰,申燕,CN1397799。
27. 微盘阵列电极的制备方法,董绍俊,赵峰,王鸣魁,ZL200310110043.7。
28. 形状可控的纳米级金微带电极的制备方法,董绍俊,赵峰,王鸣魁,陈红军,ZL200310115833.4。
29. 表面等离子体共振图像分析金膜点阵列的制备方法,董绍俊,邵勇,ZL200410010620.X。
30. 聚合物/碳纳米管复合物膜电化学发光传感器的制备方法,董绍俊,郭志慧,ZL200410010765.X。
31. 碳电极表面的功能化方法,董绍俊,杨国程,申燕,刘柏峰,ZL200410010898.7。
32. 一种纳米结构铂超薄膜碳电极的制备方法,董绍俊,黄明华,ZL200510016679.4。
33. 薄化表面等离子体共振金膜的方法,董绍俊,王建龙,CN1686651。
34. 一种新的电极表面的功能化方法,董绍俊,杨国程,CN1844461。
35. 硫化锑纳-微米线及其阵列的制备方法,董绍俊,包海峰,黄利坚,ZL200610016908.7。
36. 硫化镉-胱氨酸复合物纳米线的制备方法,董绍俊,包海峰,黄利坚,ZL200610016909.1。
37. 一种银纳米片的制备方法,董绍俊,邹向勤,应儿波,ZL200610131640.1。
38. 一种传感器式生化需氧量在线监测仪,刘长宇,郏建波,董绍俊,CN101000341。
39. 一种微盘电极或微盘阵列电极的制备方法,董绍俊,徐晓龙,刘柏峰,郏建波,徐铜文,CN101051033。
40. 超疏水布料的制备方法,董绍俊,王铁,胡晓歌,文丹,CN101260611。
41. 薄膜传感电极的制备方法,王一喆,蒋俊光,董绍俊,CN101285790。
42. 表面等离子体共振成像金膜微阵列的制备方法,董绍俊,王建龙,CN101315330。
(1) Protein-DNA interactions: a novel approach to improve the fluorescence stability of DNA/Ag nanoclusters,, Nanoscale, 7, 1296-1300, 2015, 通讯作者(2) Light-driven, membraneless, hydrogen peroxide based fuel cells, Adv. Energy Mater.,5, 1400424, 2015, 通讯作者(3) High performance ethanol/air biofuel cells with both the visible-light driven anode and cathode, Nano Energy, 11, 48-55, 2015, 通讯作者(4) How to split a G-quadruplex for DNA detection: new insight into the formation of DNA split G-quadruplex, Chem Sci., 6, 4822-4827, 2015, 通讯作者(5) Ultrasonic synthesis of highly dispersed Au nanoparticles supported on Ti-based metal-organic frameworks for electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine,, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 14669, 2015, 通讯作者(6) Porous CoP concave polyhedron electrocatalysts synthesized from metal-organic frameworks with enhanced electrochemical properties for hydrogen evolution,, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 21471-21477, 2015, 通讯作者(7) Graphene nanosheet: synthesis, molecular engineering, thin film, hybrids, and energy and analytical applications. , Chem. Soc. Rev., 40, 2644-2672, 2011, 通讯作者(8) A Single-walled Carbon Nanohorns-based Miniature Glucose/air Biofuel Cell Harvesting Energy from Soft Drinks. , Energy and Environ. Sci., 4, 1358–1363 , 2011, 通讯作者(9) Hemin-Graphene Hybrid Nanosheets with Intrinsic Peroxidase-like Activity for Label-free Colorimetric Detection of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism., ACS Nano, 5, 1282-1290, 2011, 通讯作者(10) Reversibly Electroswitched Quantum Dot Luminescence in Aqueous Solution. , ACS Nano, 5, 5249-5253, 2011, 通讯作者(11) Label-free, regenerative and sensitive surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical aptasensors based on graphene. , Chem. Commun., 47, 7794-7796, 2011, 通讯作者(12) Self-powered Sensor for Trace Hg2+ detection., Anal. Chem., 83, 3968-3972, 2011, 通讯作者(13) Microfluidic Electrochemical Aptameric Assay Integrated On-Chip: A Potentially Convenient Sensing Platform for the Amplified and Multiplex Analysis of Small Molecules., Anal. Chem., 83, 1523-1529 , 2011, 通讯作者(14) Double Strand DNA-Templated Formation of Copper Nanoparticles as Fluorescent Probe for Label-Free Aptamer Sensor, , Anal. Chem.,83, 5122-5127, 2011, 通讯作者(15) Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering: Toward the Fabrication of Electrochemical Biosensors, Biofuel Cells, and Self-Powered Logic Biosensors, , Acc. Chem. Res., 44, 1232-1243, 2011, 通讯作者(16) Ion-Tuned DNA/Ag Fluorescent Nanoclusters as Versatile Logic Device,, ACS Nano, 5(8): 6334-6338 , 2011, 通讯作者(17) Superparamagnetic Plasmonic Nanohybrids: Shape-Controlled Synthesis, TEM-Induced Structure Evolution and Efficient Sunlight-Driven Inactivation of Bacteria, , ACS Nano, 5, 8562-8570, 2011, 通讯作者(18) Solid-State Label-Free Integrated Aptasensor Based on Graphene-Mesoporous Silica-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrids and Silver Microspheres,, Anal. Chem., 83, 8035-8040, 2011, 通讯作者(19) Dual-Functional Au-Fe3O4 Dumbbell Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Turn-on Fluorescent Detection of Cyanide Based on the Inner Filter Effect,, Chem. Commun., 47, 8268-8270, 2011, 通讯作者(20) Fluorescent Silver Nanoclusters in Hybridized DNA Duplexes for The Turn-On Detection of Hg2+ Ions,, Chem. Commun., 47, 11065-11067, 2011, 通讯作者(21) A New Kind of Chemical Sensor Based on Conducting Polymer Film, J. Chem. Soc.-Chem. Commun., (22) Construction of a Tyrosinase-Based Biosensor in Pure Organic Phase, Anal. Chem., (23) Organic phase enzyme electrodes based on organohydrogel, Anal. Chem., (24) Sol-gel thin-film immobilized soybean peroxidase biosensor for the amperometric determination of hyd, Anal. Chem., (25) Controlled nucleation and growth of surface-confined gold nanoparticles on a (3-aminopropyl)trimetho, Anal. Chem., (26) A method to construct a third-generation horseradish peroxidase biosensor: Self-assembling gold nano, Anal. Chem., (27) Diffusion-limited, aggregation-based, mesoscopic assembly of roughened core shell bimetallic nanopar, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., (28) Iodine-induced gold-nanoparticle fusion/fragmentation/aggregation and iodine-linked nanostructured a, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., (29) Electrochemical and Bioelectrochemistry Properties of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Carbon Comp, Anal. Chem., (30) Electrochemistry and electrogenerated chemiluminescence of SiO2 nanoparticles/tris(2,2-bipyridyl)r, Anal. Chem., (31) Large-scale synthesis of micrometer-scale single-crystalline Au plates of nanometer thickness by a w, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., (32) A low-cost biofuel cell with pH-dependent power output based on porous carbon as matrix, Chem. Eur. J., (33) Coordination-induced formation of submicrometer-scale, monodisperse, spherical colloids of organic-i, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (34) Electrogenerated chemiluminescence sensors using Ru(bpy)32+ doped in silica nanoparticles, Anal. Chem., (35) One-pot synthesis of CdTe nanocrystals and shape control of luminescent CdTe-cystine nanocomposites, Small, (36) Sensitive detection of protein by an aptamer-based label-free fluorescing molecular switch, Chem. Commun., (37) Synthesis and bio-imaging application of higly luminescent mercaptosuccinic acid-coated CdTe nanocry, PLoS ONE., (38) A renewable SERS substrate prepared by cyclic depositing and stripping of silver shells on gold nano, Small, (39) Design of Fluorescent Assays for Cyanide and Hydrogen Peroxide Based on the Inner Filter Effect of Metal Nanoparticles, Anal.Chem., (40) Design of Fluorescent Assays for Cyanide and Hydrogen Peroxide Based on the Inner Filter Effect of Metal Nanoparticles, Anal.Chem.,
(1) 光谱电化学方法——理论与应用,Spectroelectrochemistry Methods——Theory and Application,吉林科学技术出版社, (2) 纳米科技百科——硫族元素纳米结构,“Nanostructured Chalcogens” in “Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” Edited by H. S. Nalwa Volume 18,American Scientific Publishers,2011-05,第1作者 (3) 化学修饰电极,Chemically Modified Electrode,科学出版社,2003-02
( 1 )&nbsp基于核酸适配体的蛋白质研究新技术和新方法课题:, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2015-12( 2 )&nbsp水体生物学质量参数电化学在线监测仪器研制开发 与应用, 主持, 国家级, 2013-10--2017-09
在国际学术会议作大会和专题报告50多次,在19个国家和地区作学术报告100多次, 近五年参加会议如下:
1. Shaojun Dong, "Organized Naonstructure Assemblies and Interfacial Electrochemistry", invited lecture, the 2nd ISE Spring Meeting (Electrochemistry at Nano-Scale: Structuring, Characterization and Theories), p.117, March 7-10,2004, Xiamen, China.
2. Shaojun Dong, "Some Progress of Chemically Modified Electrode", invited lecture, the 24th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Chemical Sociaty, No. 10-I-016, April 24-27, 2004, Changsha, China.
3. Shaojun Dong, "Electrochemistry Biosensors in Extreme Medium", pleanary lecture, the Second International Symposium of Sensor Science (I3S 2004), No. p.3, May 29-June 2, 2004, Nanjin, China.
4. Shaojun Dong, "Naonstructure in Interfacial Electrochemistry", invited lecture, interact 2004 Analytical Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Enviromental Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Metrology, No. M6C (p.87), July 4-8(2004), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
5. Shaojun Dong, "Electroanalytical Chemistry Today and Tomorrow", invited lecture, ASIANALY VII, No. F005-K (p.302), July 28-31, 2004, Hong Kong, China.
6. Shaojun Dong, "Self-Assembleed Nanostructures and Electrochemistry", invited lecture, No. , Xiangshan Meeting (International Symposium on Functional Supramolecular System, ISFSS 04’, No. M6C (p.87), September 17-19, 2004, Changchun, China.
7. Shaojun Dong, "Biosensors Worked in Some Special Conditions", invited lecture, the Second France-China Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest, Biosensor Applications, No. p.32, Oct. 13-16 (2004), Céret, France.
8. Shaojun Dong," Amperometric Biosensors based on Advanced Bioimmobilization Matrices", invited lecture, the 9th National Conference on Chemical sensors, No. B30, April 8-11 (2005), Yangzhou, China.
9. Shaojun Dong, "Electrocatalysis at Electrode/Electrolyte Interface Based on Nanotechnology", keynote lecture, the 5th Asian conference on Electrochemistry (ACEC 2005), No. I-2-9, May 9-12 (2005), Shanghai, China.
10. Shaojun Dong, "Nanostructures by Self-Assembly and Related Functions", invited lecture, China NANO 2005, Abstr. No. 21-37-913 (p.94), June 6-11 (2005), Beijing, China.
11. Shaojun Dong, "Interfacial Assembly of Nanostructures studied by Electrochemistry and in-situ Surface Plasma Resonance Spectroscopy", keynote lecture, the 11th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC2005), Abstr. No. 2-023-IL, August 24-26 (2005), Seoul, Korea.
12. Shaojun Dong, "Fabrication of Nanostructrues at Electrode/Electrolyte Interface for Bioelectrochemical Studies", keynote lecture, the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE 2005), Abstr. No.p.119, September 25-30 (2005), Busan, Korea.
13. Shaojun Dong, "Electrochemical Biosensors Based on Advanced Bioimmobilization Matrices", invited lecture, the Tenth International Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (10th ISEC), No. I-13 (p.17); Oct. 16-19 (2005), Changchun, China.
14. Shaojun Dong, "Electrocatalysis of O2 and H2 at Nanostructured Assembles of Pt Nanoparticles, Pt Ultrathin Films and Hybird Complex Films", invited lecture, the 11th International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (Bceia2005), No. F15; Oct. 20-23 (2005), Beijing, China.
15. Shaojun Dong, "Electrocatalysis of O2 on Surface Nanostructured Assembles", plenary lecture, the 9th Electroanalytic Chemistry Conference, No. A03 (p.3); Oct. 28-Nov.1 (2005), Nanjing, China.
16. Shaojun Dong, "From Bioelectrochemistry to See Bionic Energy Resources", plenary lecture, the First Conference on Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, No. p.2; March. 24-26 (2006), Beijing, China.
17. Shaojun Dong, "Integration of Biomaterials with Nanostructure Assemblies for Biosensing and Biosensor", invited lecture, international Congress on Analytical Sciences (ICAS-2006), No. SNS-K4 (p.610-611); June. 25-30 (2006), Moscow, Russia.
18. Shaojun Dong, "Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Application on Electroanalytic Chemistry", invited lecture, the 25th Chinese Chemical Society Congress, No. 12-I-002, July 11-14 (2006), Changchun, China.
19. Shaojun Dong, "Surface Reaction and Nanostructure Electrode/Solution Interface Studied by Electrochemical SPR", plenary lecture, the 4th International Symposium of Worldwide Chinese Scholars on Analytical Chemistry (ISWCSAC 2006), No. PL3 (p.34); Sept. 22-27 (2006), Dalian, China.
20. Shaojun Dong, "Functionalized Electrode Interface Studies-from Chemical modify to Self-Assemblie", plenary lecture, the 4nd Chinese Chemical Society Congress on Analytical Chemistry & Atomic Spectrometry, No. (p.6); Oct. 10-15 (2006), Nanchang, China.
21. Shaojun Dong, "Some Aspects about Biofuel Cells", invited lecture, the 4nd France-China Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications, No. (p.45); Oct. 17-20 (2006), Céret & Perignan, France.
22. Shaojun Dong, "Bionic Assemblie Electrochemical Interface and Functionaled Study", plenary lecture, the 4nd Straits Bicoasts Analytical Chemistry Conference of Chinese Chemical Society Congress, No. (p.5); Nov. 7-10 (2006), Wuhan, China.
23. Shaojun Dong, "Wet-Chemical Routes to the Preparation of Nanomaterials and Self-Assembly-Based Fabricationof Novel Structures", invited lecture, 2006 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, No. E2.5 (p.108); Nov. 27-Dec. 1 (2006), Boston, USA.
24. Shaojun Dong, "Strategy of Simple Approach for Nanomaterial Assemblies and Functional Superstructures", plenary lecture, the Eleventh International and the First Sino-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (11th ISEC & 1st SJBSEC), No. 17(PL-13); August. 16-19 (2007), Changchun, China.
25. Shaojun Dong, "Self-Assembly and Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanotubes", invited lecture, the 12th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA2007), No. F19 (p.48); Oct. 18-21 (2007), Beijing, China.
26. Shaojun Dong, "Some Aspects about Toxicity", plenary lecture, the 2nd National Conference on Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences, A2 (70593) (p.2), National Natural Science Foundation Committee, March 28-31 (2008), Beijing, China.
27. Shaojun Dong, "EC-SPR dection of Small Biomolecules Based on Metal Nanoparticles", invited lecture, the 5th China-France Workshop on Surface Electrochemistry of Molecules of Biological Interest & Biosensor Applications, p.13, May 17-20 (2008), Changsha, Hunan, China.
28. Shaojun Dong, "Magnetic Contorl of Biocatalysis and Electrocatalysis Based on Magnetic Nanomaterials", plenary lecture, 2008 Third International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Bioanalysis and Nanotechnology (ISBBN2008), p.14, June 8-11 (2008), Changsha, Hunan, China.
29. Shaojun Dong, "Magnetic Contorl of Biocatalysis and Electrocatalysis Based on Magnetic Nanomaterials", invited lecture, the 26th Chemical Society Congress, 09-I-004, July 13-16 (2008), Tianjin, China.
30. Shaojun Dong, "Magnetic Nanomaterials Serve the Function of Chemiluminescence and Biomimetics", plenary lecture, Global COE and IREMC Symposium on Functional Materials and Analytical Approaches for Molecular Complex Chemistry, p.11-12, Nov. 5-6 (2008), Sendai, Japan.
1. 美国依阿华大学(T.M.Cotton教授)
2. 美国辛辛那提大学(W.R.Heineman教授)
3. 法国第戎大学(R.Guilard教授)
4. 美国堪萨斯大学(T.Kuwana教授)
5. 德国特并根大学(W.Gopel教授)
6. 德国蒙斯特大学(K.Cammann教授)
7. 瑞士ETH Zurich大学(U.E.Spichiger-Keller教授)
8. 瑞典隆德大学(Lo Gorton教授)
9. 日本Yamanashi大学(M.Watanabe教授)
10. 芬兰Abo学院大学(A.Ivaska教授)
11. 香港科技大学(R.Renneberg教授)
12. 香港理工大学(K.Y.Wong教授)
13. 香港浸会大学(Martin M.F.Choi博士)
14. 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学(赵惠军教授)
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